AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning

Tag: neural networks

Total 304 Posts
New Disney villains

New Disney villains

Earlier I tried an experiment where I tried to get the GPT-3 neural nets, trained on a huge collection of internet text, to generate new Disney princesses []. From just two example wiki entries, I got incorrect reimaginings of existing princesses (Snow White apparently has
Being vaccinated does NOT...

Being vaccinated does NOT...

So a hobby of mine is introducing GPT-3 to online meme games that didn’t exist when its internet training data was being collected (the training data is currently only up till October 2019). It’s worked out well - without knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic, GPT-3 was able to
GPT-3 tries pickup lines

GPT-3 tries pickup lines

Once upon a time I decided to train a neural net to generate pickup lines. Once I started collecting the training data I began to regret it when I saw how awful the existing lines were. Turns out I needn’t have worried. The neural net I used was so
Lucid Deep Dreaming?

Lucid Deep Dreaming?

“Frodo Baggins delivering a pizza through the mines of Moria” Remember my attempts to get CLIP+BigGAN to generate candy hearts []? Here’s what an alternative method, CLIP+FFT [], does with the prompt “a candy heart with a message”. Rather
The mascot of AI Weirdness is a cyborg tomato?

The mascot of AI Weirdness is a cyborg tomato?

Honestly wasn’t expecting GPT-3 to declare the mascot of AI Weirdness to be Baugo, a cyborg tomato. (To add to the weirdness, Baugo is apparently a township in Elkhart County, IN.) Why is GPT-3 handing out mascots? I’ve been reading Mondo Mascots [], which collects
Curse your valentine with these candy hearts

Curse your valentine with these candy hearts

When I’ve generated candy [/this-time-i-didnt-train-a-neural-20-02-14?r=1lic4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy] heart [/more-candy-hearts-by-neural-network-18-02-12?r=1lic4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy] messages [/candy-heart-messages-written-by-a-18-02-09?r=1lic4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_
Okay GPT-3: Candy hearts!

Okay GPT-3: Candy hearts!

I’m continuing my Valentine’s Day tradition of getting huge neural nets to generate candy [/this-time-i-didnt-train-a-neural-20-02-14?r=1lic4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy] heart [/more-candy-hearts-by-neural-network-18-02-12?r=1lic4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy] messages [/candy-heart-messages-written-by-a-18-02-09?r=
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