AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning

Tag: neural networks

Total 304 Posts
Tonight’s neural network recipe: Port Roasting Walmon Cap #8

Tonight’s neural network recipe: Port Roasting Walmon Cap #8

Another fine recipe brought to you by a neural network trained to generate recipes [] based on a database of about 30,000 examples. > Port Roasting Walmon Cap #8 main dish, meats, pork 1 lb meat, washed and drained 1/3 cup breadcrumbs,
Story titles, invented by neural network

Story titles, invented by neural network

So Prof. Mark Reidl of Georgia Tech is the best kind of geek, and used some cool scripting to extract all the things on Wikipedia with plot summaries []: movies, books, tv episodes, video games, etc. That’s a lot of plot summaries: 112,936, to
Fortune cookies written by neural network

Fortune cookies written by neural network

I’ve been training a neural network (based on open-source char-rnn []) on a variety of datasets, including recipes [] , Pokemon [] , knock-knock jokes [] , pick up lines
Bird Hots With Mold; Rhubarb

Bird Hots With Mold; Rhubarb

Today’s treat, brought to you by a neural network trained to generate recipes [] based on a database of about 30,000 examples. > Bird Hots With Mold; Rhubarb deserts, fruits, seafood 1 pkg cooled shells roll 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 3 tablespoon
A neural network generates car names

A neural network generates car names

I’ve trained this open-source neural network [] framework on a variety of datasets,
Bad recipe ideas from the neural network

Bad recipe ideas from the neural network

I’m training a neural network to generate recipes [] based on a database of about 30,000 examples, using the open-source char-rnn [
The neural network writes the episode list for next season’s Dr. Who

The neural network writes the episode list for next season’s Dr. Who

I’ve trained this open-source neural network [] framework on a variety of datasets,
The neural network is more of a foodie than you are.

The neural network is more of a foodie than you are.

I’m training a neural network to generate recipes [] based on a database of about 30,000 examples, using the open-source char-rnn [
New D&D magic spells, designed by neural network

New D&D magic spells, designed by neural network

I’ve trained this open-source neural network [] framework on a variety of datasets,
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