AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning

Tag: neural networks

Total 304 Posts
New insect species, dreamed by neural network

New insect species, dreamed by neural network

Neural networks are a kind of machine learning program that imitate the way the human brain learns. They learn by example, rather than by being given rules by a human programmer. And because they can get very, very good at what they do, neural networks are now the algorithms that
New bills introduced by neural network

New bills introduced by neural network

Between 2009 and 2017, approximately 18,458 unique bills were introduced to the legislature of Massachusetts (out of 33,201 total). I know this because Dru Tarr [], a legislative aide at the Massachusetts House of Representatives, very kindly compiled the publicly available list of bills [https:
Thesis titles generated by neural network

Thesis titles generated by neural network

Ever notice that sometimes the neural networks on this blog do a better job of imitating weird datasets than at other times? Here are two major things that affect how convincing a neural network version will be: 1. Amount of data vs complexity of the problem 2. How easy the
Wikipedia articles invented by a neural network

Wikipedia articles invented by a neural network

Wikipedia has a page where they list [], for entertainment purposes, the titles of a bunch of pages that didn’t meet the cut. These are mostly pages that were submitted as pranks, although a few of them are clever
Ten new applications for neural networks

Ten new applications for neural networks

Neural networks are machine learning algorithms that are very good at solving tough problems - they’re used for language translation, facial recognition, and financial management. I, however, have been training them on silly datasets. Here are some of my favorite experiments from the last year. Naming guinea pigs [http:
Christmas Carols, generated by a neural network

Christmas Carols, generated by a neural network

Neural networks are a type of computer program that imitate the way that brains learn to solve problems. They’re used for face recognition, self-driving cars, language translation, financial decisions, and more. I mainly use them to write humor. My process starts with a dataset - something that the neural
When A.I. gets into birding

When A.I. gets into birding

[Bird illustrations by the talented Carin Powell ( []] I train computer programs called neural networks to imitate datasets of human things. Basically, I give the neural network a long list of things like band names [
New terms and conditions may apply

New terms and conditions may apply

We may intercept or entity or without notice to you or onserate any provisions of your Service with, or online authorizes an any party speed of the Paymong or afterw the product on a Web site. Background Technology to respect to any actual or failure to order provider of Big
A computer tries its best to learn psalms

A computer tries its best to learn psalms

There’s a type of computer program called a neural network that tries to imitate whatever dataset you give it. The programmer gives it no explicit instructions about what the dataset is like; whether it’s poems or prose [] or a list of pies
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