AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning

Tag: neural networks

Total 304 Posts
Training an AI assistant

Training an AI assistant

There’s an adorable game called Lab Assistant [], in which you get to train a machine learning algorithm to obey your commands. Sadly, the commands don’t include “make me a sundae” or “wield this sword of justice”, but it turns out you can learn
10 things artificial intelligence did in 2018

10 things artificial intelligence did in 2018

I did one of these for 2017 last year [] , so I thought it would be fun to recap some of my favorite experiments from 2018. Sure, financial forecasting, facial recognition, and delivering ads may be the most common uses for machine learning,
A neural net names fireworks

A neural net names fireworks

I am always amazed by all the corners of life that have their own naming conventions. What makes a name sound like an heirloom apple [] , or a cookie [] , or a Pokemon []
A Very Special Christmas movie - courtesy of a neural net

A Very Special Christmas movie - courtesy of a neural net

This seems to be a year for AI experiments centered around Christmas movies. MIT Technology Review [] generated some titles and plot summaries (I would probably watch The Christmas StorK) and Botnik Studios [] has been using predictive text
Don’t let a neural net mix drinks.

Don’t let a neural net mix drinks.

So I’ve used neural networks to generate recipes in the past. They’re computer programs that can learn to imitate the data we give them, copying the way that humans drive cars, label images, or translate languages. That is, they try to learn. They’re called “neural” because they
Aw yeah it’s time for cookies with neural networks

Aw yeah it’s time for cookies with neural networks

So there’s these computer programs called artificial neural networks that are good at imitating things. By seeing examples of what humans did, they can learn to translate languages, predict product sales, and even categorize text and images as innocuous or explicit (it has a lot of trouble with this
How to begin a song

How to begin a song

So a while ago I made my first Twitter []/ Mastodon [] bot, a very simple little bot called TheSingalongBot []. It came out of a chance conversation at the XOXO conference with Kate Compton and Gretchen McCulloch, and all it
How to make high-tech pies sound really old

How to make high-tech pies sound really old

A while ago I made a bunch of new pies []. Well, I didn’t *make* them because they were neural network invented titles and although it tried to imitate the list of pies I gave it, the neural net’s imitations are imperfect. The
A neural network will write your D&D character bio

A neural network will write your D&D character bio

Thanks to the wonderful readers of this blog, I’ve been able to apply machine learning to Dungeons and Dragons data of all sorts. I trained a neural network to generate new D&D spells, first on a small dataset [] , then on a
CNN headlines, according to a neural net

CNN headlines, according to a neural net

The world is a chaotic and confusing place. Could advanced artificial intelligence help us make sense of it? Well, possibly, except that today’s “artificial intelligences” are not exactly what you’d call sophisticated. With a couple of hundred virtual neurons (as opposed to 16 billion neurons in the human
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