AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning

Tag: neural networks

Total 304 Posts
This neural net knows your secret recipe

This neural net knows your secret recipe

Could you look at a picture of food and write down the recipe? There are people working on trying to train AI to do exactly this. Facebook recently made headway on this tough problem [] by realizing that there are so many possible recipes that
This neural net makes my sketches real

This neural net makes my sketches real

There’s a kind of neural net that will convert block drawings into its best attempt at a photorealistic scene. Now it’s easier than ever to try them out, without any coding or fancy computing equipment needed. Today I’m going to show you an algorithm developed by Nvidia
Once again, a neural net tries to name cats

Once again, a neural net tries to name cats

Last year I trained a neural net to generate new names for kittens [], by giving it a list of over 8,000 existing cat names to imitate. Starting from scratch, with zero knowledge of English or any context for the words and letter combinations
Neural net names effects pedals

Neural net names effects pedals

Humans have pushed against the perfections of electronics for years. One of the ways they’ve done this is by designing effects pedals meant to distort the sounds of music. The pedals usually have evocative names (“Morley Emerald Echo”, “Happy Snake Lucifuzz Fuzz”, “Lovepedal Purple Pickle Vibe”). I had never
GPT-2: It can’t resist a list

GPT-2: It can’t resist a list

One of my favorite things is to get a neural net to generate a list of things. And one of the best neural nets to subject to that task is GPT-2 [], which learned a heck of a lot of things (okay not all of
What is the opposite of guacamole?

What is the opposite of guacamole?

Last week I attempted to illustrate some neural net-generated racehorses by turning to another neural net - this time, one that generates images, called BigGAN []. Using Joel Simon’s [] interface, I’m able to see what BigGAN can generate
A neural net names racehorses

A neural net names racehorses

I’ve used neural networks to name all kinds of things - halloween costumes [] , craft beers [] , cats [], and even guinea pigs []. The weirder the starting set
Physics acronyms: there was an attempt

Physics acronyms: there was an attempt

The other day, Katie E. M. tweeted [] the following: > Astrophysicists are all like, “ah, yes, this important piece of technology? It’s called the Very Very Very Long Extra Big Spectrometer Device. This other one? We call it NINJATURTLE for short, and
Discount Strong Bad emails

Discount Strong Bad emails

Children of the early 2000s internet (hi!) may remember spending hours watching Strong Bad emails [] from []. They are literally short videos of some guy named Strong Bad checking his email and they are hilarious. Anyway, Strong Bad just emailed this
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