AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning

Tag: neural networks

Total 304 Posts
High-visibility costumes for distanced viewing

High-visibility costumes for distanced viewing

I’ve used neural networks to generate Halloween costumes in the past, but the early ones struggled with their complete lack of context for the training data. Why is Statue of Liberty a plausible costume yet Statue of Pizza isn’t [] ? Those neural networks,
What color are you?

What color are you?

I’ve been having fun using GPT-3 to generate weird versions of internet memes. Even if it’s a meme that didn’t exist when GPT-3’s training data was collected from the internet (which was October 2019 for the version I’m using), most memes will fit within its
This blog is not a blog of honor

This blog is not a blog of honor

Last time I used GPT-3 to suggest forbidding landscapes [] that would repel future civilizations from our nuclear waste disposal sites. There’s something about taking a subject that’s very very permanent - some kinds of nuclear waste remain deadly for over 250,000
A 10,000 year warning

A 10,000 year warning

It isn’t every project that requires people to make plans for thousands or millions of years in the future. But some kinds of nuclear waste remain deadly for over 250,000 years [] , probably outliving all existing civilizations, languages, and possibly even humanity itself.
AI supervillains

AI supervillains

Earlier, I did the rather unsettlingly meta exercise of using a new neural net, GPT-3, to generate hypothetical AI Weirdness blog posts. [] One of the tricks I can do with this: GPT-3 can play along with an opening in which I declare that I’
The story behind AI drawing prompts

The story behind AI drawing prompts

Introducing #Botober, a set of AI-generated drawing prompts for each day in October! Last year I generated prompts [] by finetuning GPT-2 on 124 examples from previous years. The human-written training examples included items like Thunder, Fierce, Tired, or Friend. The neural net-generated examples included
Planet Earth From Above

Planet Earth From Above

Melbourne, Australia: home of kangaroos, botanical gardens, and a surreal monolith, jutting impossibly tall and narrow above its unassuming neighbors. [images from a video by reddit user fulltimespy [] , in a successful completion of the Monolith Challenge]
AI AI Weirdness

AI AI Weirdness

Now that GPT-3 is capable of writing entire personality quizzes (sort of [] ), could it write an entire blog post for me? I prompted GPT-3 with “Welcome to AI Weirdness! In today’s blog post, I wondered what would happen if I trained a neural
My Name is Bot

My Name is Bot

Text-generating neural networks can do a lot more now than they used to. When I first started generating things with neural networks, sentences and even simple phrases were mostly beyond them (that didn’t stop me from trying, with hilariously inept results [] ). But now
Which AI-generated personality quiz are you?

Which AI-generated personality quiz are you?

What would you do with more memory? Clearly, play more complex games. One difference between OpenAI’s new text generator (known as GPT-3) [] and the other neural networks I’ve used in the past is that it now looks at much more text when
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