AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning

Tag: gpt-3

Total 57 Posts
How to make an Intimidating Sponge Cake. Last step is "Hide it all under a carpet." (full version in post)

GPT-3: It can't resist a list

One strange thing I've noticed about otherwise reasonably competent text-generating neural nets is how their lists tend to go off the rails. I noticed this first with GPT-2 []. But it turns out GPT-3 is no exception. Here's the largest model,
Blue Screen of Death Message: A huge malevolent being of immeasurable strength has just awakened within your computer.

Use AI to improve your error messages

One of the fun things about working with a giant text-generating model with general internet training is that when it finishes responding to one of your prompts, it'll sometimes continue with a prompt of its own. (This can also be one of the NOT fun things, if its
Scented Pouter, Most-Kneed Tiptoeing Pigeon, Rodeo Puff, Half-waved Party Pigeon, Little Gem, Long-headed Clearwing

Neural nest: AI-generated pigeon breeds

I'd been vaguely aware of pigeons until I read my friend Rosemary Mosco's book A Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching []. Now I'm in love. It started with the back cover, where there's a pigeon trying so
I'm dressing as a vampire for Halloween! More impressive:I shall be displaying my vampiric prowesses at a Halloween carnaval

How to improve your Halloween costume

I've amused myself before [] by getting GPT-3 to change one kind of text into another. With just a few style-change examples, I got it to change the Winnie the Pooh theme song []
See How Much! logo is white on red with three white pears

Very normal grocery stores

I was reminded recently [] that US grocery stores often have strange names. I grew up shopping at Big Bear and Giant Eagle and thought it was very normal for grocery stores to be named after megafauna. Given a list of real but strange grocery
Botober 2021: plz draw the AI a sluggalope

Botober 2021: plz draw the AI a sluggalope

One of my favorite things ever is when AI instructs people to do silly creative things, and the humans gamely play along. For a couple [] of Octobers [] now I've used various AI models to generate daily #botober drawing
quote tweet this with a selfie, but with somebody invisible Photoshopped in next to you.

Quote tweet with your favorite neural net

You know those games that go around on platforms like Twitter, where people share pictures of themselves looking like the leader of an underground resistance, or search google images for their name + fantasy armor or somesuch? I assume that if you successfully start one of these games, fame and fortune
AI doesn't understand scale

AI doesn't understand scale

One of my favorite ways to mess around with text-generating AI is to see what it does with new games that didn't exist on the internet back when its training data was collected. OpenAI's GPT-3 models were trained with data that cut off in late 2019
Hurricanes and how they are pronounced

Hurricanes and how they are pronounced

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration releases its planned hurricane names years in advance, and includes a pronunciation guide [] for each name. An excerpt from NOAA's 2026 Atlantic Basin Storm Name Pronunciations: > Arthur AR-thur Bertha BUR-thuh
Fun facts about fun guys

Fun facts about fun guys

The neural net GPT-3 has seen a lot of dating profiles during its internet training. But has it seen the Bachelorette contestant variety of astonishingly pedestrian dating profile?
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