AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning

Tag: char-rnn

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More 80s action figures from the neural network

More 80s action figures from the neural network

Earlier, I posted a collection of action figure names [] generated by a neural network trained on a list of about 3,700 action figures from the 1980s and 1990s, from lines including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, G.I. Joe, Transformers, and My Little
80′s action figures, designed by neural network

80′s action figures, designed by neural network

Part of the power of a recursive neural network is that the same framework can teach itself to generate text in a huge variety of styles. So far I’ve used it to generate things like recipes [] , Dr. Who episode titles [http://lewisandquark.
Paint colors designed by neural network, Part 2

Paint colors designed by neural network, Part 2

So it turns out you can train a neural network [] to generate paint colors if you give it a list of 7,700 Sherwin-Williams paint colors [] as input. How a neural network basically works is
Paint colors designed by neural network, Part 2

Paint colors designed by neural network, Part 2

So it turns out you can train a neural network [] to generate paint colors if you give it a list of 7,700 Sherwin-Williams paint colors [] as input. How a neural network basically works is
Neural Network Story Name Illustrations 1-4

Neural Network Story Name Illustrations 1-4

everyzig314 [] : > Images 1-4 of neural network story name illustrations (names from ): Nancy Drew: The Last Day - Can Nancy Drew solve the Case of the Malevolent Moon before time runs out? [Pictured: Nancy Drew stands
New paint colors invented by neural network

New paint colors invented by neural network

So if you’ve ever picked out paint, you know that every infinitesimally different shade of blue, beige, and gray has its own descriptive, attractive name. Tuscan sunrise, blushing pear, Tradewind, etc… There are in fact people who invent these names for a living [
Artificial intelligence claims it has written a cake recipe.

Artificial intelligence claims it has written a cake recipe.

I’m training a neural network to generate recipes [] based on a database of about 30,000 example recipes. One of the recipe titles it invents most often is cake - Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Chips, etc.
Metal band names invented by neural network

Metal band names invented by neural network

The question of the day: can a computer learn to sound metal? Thanks to HellBlazer of, who provided a dataset of over 100,000 bands, subgenres, and countries of origin, I had an opportunity to find out. I gave the dataset to an open-source neural network
Tonight’s neural network recipe: Port Roasting Walmon Cap #8

Tonight’s neural network recipe: Port Roasting Walmon Cap #8

Another fine recipe brought to you by a neural network trained to generate recipes [] based on a database of about 30,000 examples. > Port Roasting Walmon Cap #8 main dish, meats, pork 1 lb meat, washed and drained 1/3 cup breadcrumbs,
Story titles, invented by neural network

Story titles, invented by neural network

So Prof. Mark Reidl of Georgia Tech is the best kind of geek, and used some cool scripting to extract all the things on Wikipedia with plot summaries []: movies, books, tv episodes, video games, etc. That’s a lot of plot summaries: 112,936, to
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