AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning

Tag: char-rnn

Total 100 Posts
Computer algorithms, invented by a computer

Computer algorithms, invented by a computer

I train neural networks, which are a type of machine learning program that imitates the way human brains learn. (Technically, they’re artificial neural networks, to differentiate them from the biological sort). Unlike traditional computer programming, where a human programmer comes up with a long set of rules for a
Trendy beer names, invented by neural network

Trendy beer names, invented by neural network

I train neural networks, which are a type of machine learning algorithm that look at example data and learn to generate more like it. There’s little I have to do other than present a neural network with examples to look at, and it deduces its own rules, often applying
Insufficient data may not compute, but it still loves you.

Insufficient data may not compute, but it still loves you.

I train neural networks to imitate real-life human things, from fortune cookies [] to to Harry Potter fan fiction [] to guinea pig names [] . Unlike traditional computer programming where a human
Harry Potter spells, generated by neural network

Harry Potter spells, generated by neural network

Last week [] , I trained a neural network [] to generate the names of magic spells from the game Dungeons and Dragons, by giving it a list of existing spells and asking it to generate more like them. It obliged,
A neural network learns to create better D&D spells

A neural network learns to create better D&D spells

Neural networks are a type of machine learning program that learns from examples they’re given, rather than relying on a human programmer to invent rules. In an earlier experiment [] , I trained a neural network to write new names for Dungeons and Dragons
A neural network invents diseases you don’t want to get

A neural network invents diseases you don’t want to get

Science fiction writers and producers of TV medical dramas: have you ever needed to invent a serious-sounding disease whose symptoms, progression, and cure you can utterly control? Artificial intelligence can help! Blog reader Kate [] very kindly compiled a list of 3,765 common names for
New My Little Ponies, designed by neural network

New My Little Ponies, designed by neural network

The Kingdom of Equestria is inhabited by thousands of colorful, magical ponies, whose life cycle, socioeconomics, and biomechanics are best not investigated too closely. Their names are usually something like “Rainbow Dash” or “Diamond Tiara” or (my favorite because she’s totally a grad student pony): ‘Twilight Sparkle”. Often the
Craft beer names, invented by neural network

Craft beer names, invented by neural network

With over 4,000 craft breweries in the United States alone, people are having trouble finding unique names for their beers. That’s a problem, because when two breweries accidentally use the same name, it results in potential confusion at best and at worst, a legal battle [http://www.npr.
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