AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning

Tag: char-rnn

Total 100 Posts
When A.I. gets into birding

When A.I. gets into birding

[Bird illustrations by the talented Carin Powell ( []] I train computer programs called neural networks to imitate datasets of human things. Basically, I give the neural network a long list of things like band names [
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A computer tries its best to learn psalms

A computer tries its best to learn psalms

There’s a type of computer program called a neural network that tries to imitate whatever dataset you give it. The programmer gives it no explicit instructions about what the dataset is like; whether it’s poems or prose [] or a list of pies
Neural network names for your Cajun/Zydeco band

Neural network names for your Cajun/Zydeco band

Starting a Cajun/Zydeco band this year? Who isn’t! Or need to rebrand your existing death metal band now that your lead guitarist has switched to harmonica? Artificial intelligence has you covered. I train neural networks, which are a kind of machine learning computer program that can learn by
A neural network invents some pies

A neural network invents some pies

(Pie -> cat courtesy of ) I work with neural networks, [] which are a type of machine learning computer program that learn by looking at examples. They’re used for all sorts of serious applications, like facial recognition and ad targeting
The neural network meets its match: Fish biologists

The neural network meets its match: Fish biologists

(Drawing by Max Graenitz []) I train machine learning programs called neural networks - they work by looking at lists of data and then deducing their own rules about how to generate similar data. They’re used in everything from ad targeting to facial recognition to
A neural network designs Halloween costumes

A neural network designs Halloween costumes

It’s hard to come up with ideas for Halloween costumes, especially when it seems like all the good ones are taken. And don’t you hate showing up at a party only to discover that there’s *another* pajama cardinalfish? I train neural networks, a type of machine learning
Slashdot headlines written by neural network

Slashdot headlines written by neural network

The news site Slashdot [] (“news for nerds, stuff that matters”) is celebrating its 20 year anniversary this October. What could be geekier than celebrating with the help of an open-source neural network? Neural networks are a type of machine learning program that learn by example, rather than
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