AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Curse your valentine with these candy hearts

Curse your valentine with these candy hearts

When I’ve generated candy [/this-time-i-didnt-train-a-neural-20-02-14?r=1lic4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy] heart [/more-candy-hearts-by-neural-network-18-02-12?r=1lic4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy] messages [/candy-heart-messages-written-by-a-18-02-09?r=1lic4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_
Okay GPT-3: Candy hearts!

Okay GPT-3: Candy hearts!

I’m continuing my Valentine’s Day tradition of getting huge neural nets to generate candy [/this-time-i-didnt-train-a-neural-20-02-14?r=1lic4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy] heart [/more-candy-hearts-by-neural-network-18-02-12?r=1lic4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy] messages [/candy-heart-messages-written-by-a-18-02-09?r=
Searching for Bernie

Searching for Bernie

“Leaning Tower of Pizza”, BigGAN steered by CLIP using Big SleepI wrote earlier about DALL-E [], an image generating algorithm recently developed by OpenAI. One part of DALL-E []’s success is another algorithm called CLIP [], which
AI Weirdness in 2020

AI Weirdness in 2020

Now that it looks like 2020 is finally truly over, I thought I’d follow up on a few of my favorite posts, especially the ones that have fun updates. Starting with: Headlines of 2020 [
The drawings of DALL-E

The drawings of DALL-E

What type of giraffe would you like today? Last week OpenAI published a blog post previewing DALL-E [], a new neural network that they trained to generate pictures from text descriptions. I’ve written about past algorithms that have tried to make drawings to order [https:
The Epic History of the Earth

The Epic History of the Earth

“When a Billion Years Disappeared []” “That Time It Rained for Two Million Years []” “When Giant Scorpions Swarmed the Seas []” One thing I like about the PBS Eons show
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