AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 838 Posts
AI explains human quirks

AI explains human quirks

Humans are weird. The question is, do AI training datasets capture the full scope of our weirdness? I decided to see if GPT-3 could successfully predict other human quirks when prompted with a short list of them. Here's what I gave GPT-3 DaVinci to complete: > Human things
Generated cereal box with literal honeycomb on it, a bowl of pure raisins ("Rasn"), and colorful rocks ("Frfflys Stofls")

AI recreates classic cereals

DALL-E 2 is very good at generating images to match text descriptions but I felt like using DALL-E 2 to mess up some brands. Here's breakfast cereals! "A box of lucky charms cereal on a grocery store shelf""A box of Froot Loops on a
A collection of mostly chipmunks, one acorn, and two lumpy froglike things

How to disappear a platypus

I was testing DALL-E 2 to see if it would be subject to some common incorrect assumptions about the sizes of things. For example if you asked people what size a kiwi bird is, they tend to assume it's a smallish bird, maybe around the size of a
Three guinea pig horse toys, stocky with guinea pig faces and guinea pig markings.

New AI-generated horsies

Recently I've been experimenting with DALL-E 2, one of the models that uses CLIP to generate images from my text descriptions. It was trained on internet text and images, so there's a lot it can do, and a lot of ways it can remix the stuff
The Kitten Effect

The Kitten Effect

One thing I've noticed with image-generating algorithms is that the more of something they have to put in an image, the worse it is. I first noticed this with the kitten-generating variant of StyleGAN, which often does okay on one cat: alternative for shocked_pikachu.pngbut is terrible
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