Blowing on a hot cup of tea to cool it - works!
This is a movie taken with a thermal camera, so the hottest areas show up
brightest. When a hot piece of iron cools, it glows yellow, then orange, then
red, then finally goes dark - at least to
Blowing on a hot cup of tea to cool it - works!
This is a movie taken with a thermal camera, so the hottest areas show up
brightest. When a hot piece of iron cools, it glows yellow, then orange, then
red, then finally goes dark - at least to
Still life of funnel with gold. One rule of the cleanroom: if it looks like
gold, it probably is.
We use a lot of gold in the cleanroom, as it turns out to have pretty useful
optical and electrical properties. It’s just unfortunate coincidence that it’s
also lovely
Still life of funnel with gold. One rule of the cleanroom: if it looks like
gold, it probably is.
We use a lot of gold in the cleanroom, as it turns out to have pretty useful
optical and electrical properties. It’s just unfortunate coincidence that it’s
also lovely
A cup of hot green tea! Imaged at 10 microns using a thermal camera.
In this picture, the hottest areas show up as the lightest. The tea’s near
boiling, so it’s much brighter than everything else in the photo - the room in
the background fades into the
A cup of hot green tea! Imaged at 10 microns using a thermal camera.
In this picture, the hottest areas show up as the lightest. The tea’s near
boiling, so it’s much brighter than everything else in the photo - the room in
the background fades into the
It’s just water. Cold water on a warm hand, to be exact.
This is an image from an infrared camera I was testing today. It turns out that
humans glow in infrared, exactly in the same way that a red-hot piece of iron
glows in visible light. We’re
It’s just water. Cold water on a warm hand, to be exact.
This is an image from an infrared camera I was testing today. It turns out that
humans glow in infrared, exactly in the same way that a red-hot piece of iron
glows in visible light. We’re
Here’s another view of the sample I posted earlier, the one that was so
wonderfully, spectacularly ruined.
This time I’ve zoomed in near the very edge of the chip, where the vast plain of
laser material abruptly ends at a jagged cliff. By the time I was looking
Here’s another view of the sample I posted earlier, the one that was so
wonderfully, spectacularly ruined.
This time I’ve zoomed in near the very edge of the chip, where the vast plain of
laser material abruptly ends at a jagged cliff. By the time I was looking