AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 840 Posts


The lace ship. This is some sort of dust that landed on my sample before etching - I do try to clean dust off, but I don’t get everything removed.  This particular sample had a few of these airy, lacy dust particles - I’m not sure what they


I posted a picture of the jagged broken edge of my sample the other day.  Now here’s the same spot under the electron microscope.  This view’s looking from the side, so you see all the detail of the dark edge where the silicon snapped. This far zoomed out,
Friday June 28, 2013

Friday June 28, 2013

Nom nom. Apparently, my nanostructures are tasty. This little guy is only about 1 micrometer high, less than 1/100 the thickness of a typical piece of paper. And the guy appears to have latched on to one of my little structures - ruining it, I might add. I guess


Nom nom. Apparently, my nanostructures are tasty. This little guy is only about 1 micrometer high, less than 1/100 the thickness of a typical piece of paper.  And the guy appears to have latched on to one of my little structures - ruining it, I might add.  I guess
Wednesday June 26, 2013

Wednesday June 26, 2013

Here’s the jagged edge where my sample broke. I blame the carbon tape, which is usually my friend, a nice way to get rid of those pesky extra electrons, and a way to stop my sample from falling off the holder in the electron microscope. Except this time, the


Here’s the jagged edge where my sample broke. I blame the carbon tape, which is usually my friend, a nice way to get rid of those pesky extra electrons, and a way to stop my sample from falling off the holder in the electron microscope.  Except this time, the
Saturday June 22, 2013

Saturday June 22, 2013

Islands! Actually, it’s Newton’s Rings again, a rainbow effect caused when white light shines on really thin films of transparent stuff. In this case, I don’t know what the transparent stuff is. The material beneath is semiconductor laser material. I was trying to clean it with alcohol,


Islands! Actually, it’s Newton’s Rings again, a rainbow effect caused when white light shines on really thin films of transparent stuff.  In this case, I don’t know what the transparent stuff is.  The material beneath is semiconductor laser material.  I was trying to clean it with alcohol,
Thursday June 20, 2013

Thursday June 20, 2013

Welcome to Mount Gloop. I don’t know what this mountain is made of - like most of the naturalistic landforms I discover, it’s not supposed to be there. It’s probably some sort of residue or gunk. It rises out of a plane of semiconductor laser material. Those


Welcome to Mount Gloop. I don’t know what this mountain is made of - like most of the naturalistic landforms I discover, it’s not supposed to be there.  It’s probably some sort of residue or gunk.  It rises out of a plane of semiconductor laser material.  Those
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