AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 840 Posts


There are no dyes or pigments in this microscope image - it’s a thin clear film on a blank mirrorlike surface, and all the colors come from the interference of light waves.  It’s the same effect that produces the rainbow colors in thin soap bubbles, or on a
Thursday October 31, 2013

Thursday October 31, 2013

A ghost? This is a speck of dust sitting on a metal surface, seen close to the edge of a piece of tape - the tape is the weird lumpy surface looming over the whole scene. The ghostly figure (it looks to me a bit like a panda) may be


A ghost?  This is a speck of dust sitting on a metal surface, seen close to the edge of a piece of tape - the tape is the weird lumpy surface looming over the whole scene.  The ghostly figure (it looks to me a bit like a panda) may be
Monday October 28, 2013

Monday October 28, 2013

16 Incredible Animals and Landscapes You Can Only See With a Microscope []


Another eerie example of nanoscale terrain echoing macroscale terrain - the cliff in this image is only about 1/200 the thickness of a typical human hair.  It’s been weathered away not by wind and rain, but by a blast of high-energy plasma.  The thick black mountainous layer is


16 Incredible Animals and Landscapes You Can Only See With a Microscope []
Tuesday October 22, 2013

Tuesday October 22, 2013

The broken edge of a piece of semiconductor laser material, viewed at 2,402x under an electron microscope. At this magnification, it’s clear that the edge isn’t cleanly broken at all, but has all sorts of furrows and ripples, all invisible to the naked eye, making it look


The broken edge of a piece of semiconductor laser material, viewed at 2,402x under an electron microscope.  At this magnification, it’s clear that the edge isn’t cleanly broken at all, but has all sorts of furrows and ripples, all invisible to the naked eye, making it look
Thursday October 17, 2013

Thursday October 17, 2013

Even when working in the cleanroom, a little dust is hard to avoid. This is a gallery of electron microscope pictures of dust specks I’ve encountered while making nanoscale devices in the UCSD Nano3 cleanrooms. Dust is made of a variety of materials - dead skin cells, tiny bits


Even when working in the cleanroom, a little dust is hard to avoid.  This is a gallery of electron microscope pictures of dust specks I’ve encountered while making nanoscale devices in the UCSD Nano3 cleanrooms. Dust is made of a variety of materials - dead skin cells, tiny bits
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