AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 840 Posts
Thursday March 27, 2014

Thursday March 27, 2014

ThorLabs displays a keen understanding of graduate school - as of a few years ago, they’ve included snack boxes with many of their orders of optics components. The boxes include things like trail mix, granola bars, goldfish crackers, and fruit snacks - not, of course, that this influences any


ThorLabs displays a keen understanding of graduate school - as of a few years ago, they’ve included snack boxes with many of their orders of optics components. The boxes include things like trail mix, granola bars, goldfish crackers, and fruit snacks - not, of course, that this influences any
Tuesday March 25, 2014

Tuesday March 25, 2014

Low-budget geeky grad school magnetic poetry: cut up the fridge magnet ads that they hand out at conferences and job fairs. If there’s any whitespace, go to work with a Sharpie. Thanks to some junk mail, I’ve got a pizza-themed set as well!


Low-budget geeky grad school magnetic poetry: cut up the fridge magnet ads that they hand out at conferences and job fairs.  If there’s any whitespace, go to work with a Sharpie.  Thanks to some junk mail, I’ve got a pizza-themed set as well!
Wednesday March 19, 2014

Wednesday March 19, 2014

Light in a circular cavity makes a variety of standing wave patterns, some of which look like flowers, wagon wheels, or even tie-fighter spaceships. These images are from my simulations of the light in the cavities of nanolasers - each pattern is called a mode, and the smaller the laser,


Light in a circular cavity makes a variety of standing wave patterns, some of which look like flowers, wagon wheels, or even tie-fighter spaceships. These images are from my simulations of the light in the cavities of nanolasers - each pattern is called a mode, and the smaller the laser,
Thursday March 13, 2014

Thursday March 13, 2014

<a href="" style="text-decoration:underline;">lewisandquark</a>: Someone recently asked me if there were other grad students/scientists blogging pictures from their daily life in the lab. I realized that I only know of a couple scientist bloggers who


<a href="" style="text-decoration:underline;">lewisandquark</a>: Someone recently asked me if there were other grad students/scientists blogging pictures from their daily life in the lab. I realized that I only know of a couple scientist bloggers who
Friday March 07, 2014

Friday March 07, 2014

The view inside one of our lab’s titanium sapphire infrared lasers - if you see a view like this, you’re doing something wrong. Specifically, you’re not wearing laser goggles around a 10W laser source (bad), and placing your eyeballs at beam height (very bad, yet done almost


The view inside one of our lab’s titanium sapphire infrared lasers - if you see a view like this, you’re doing something wrong.  Specifically, you’re not wearing laser goggles around a 10W laser source (bad), and placing your eyeballs at beam height (very bad, yet done almost
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