AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 838 Posts
Monday September 15, 2014

Monday September 15, 2014

Nano Street Fight Electron microscope image submitted by grad student Rajat Sharma of UCSD, who looked unsuccessfully with another grad student for a Brad Pitt-esque central character, before giving up and declaring the fight a total mess. They were testing the etching conditions for making a series of tiny uniform


Nano Street Fight Electron microscope image submitted by grad student Rajat Sharma of UCSD, who looked unsuccessfully with another grad student for a Brad Pitt-esque central character, before giving up and declaring the fight a total mess.  They were testing the etching conditions for making a series of tiny uniform
Tuesday August 26, 2014

Tuesday August 26, 2014

Nanolasers with googly eyes! Because grad students. These are microscopic lasers, shown in various stages of completion. The innermost layer, looking like a slim grey column, is the semiconductor core, which actually does the light-amplifying. Next comes a layer of glass that coats the entire laser (the white puffy-looking laser)


Nanolasers with googly eyes!  Because grad students. These are microscopic lasers, shown in various stages of completion. The innermost layer, looking like a slim grey column, is the semiconductor core, which actually does the light-amplifying.  Next comes a layer of glass that coats the entire laser (the white puffy-looking laser)
Wednesday August 13, 2014

Wednesday August 13, 2014

A nano-lollipop? This is a tiny glass ball on a tiny stick made of polymer, a partially-completed nano-sized chemical sensor made by then-grad-student Matthew Chen. It’s on its way to becoming a nano-torch [] , which can detect minute concentrations of chemicals due to


A nano-lollipop?  This is a tiny glass ball on a tiny stick made of polymer, a partially-completed nano-sized chemical sensor made by then-grad-student Matthew Chen.  It’s on its way to becoming a nano-torch [] , which can detect minute concentrations of chemicals due to
Saturday July 19, 2014

Saturday July 19, 2014

This is a nanotorch, which is an ultra-sensitive chemical detector, thanks to its ability to concentrate light. In the intense light fields at the torch’s top, a normally-weak light-based chemical fingerprinting technique (Raman spectroscopy) becomes millions of times stronger. More-sensitive Raman fingerprinting can allow us to detect trace contaminants


This is a nanotorch, which is an ultra-sensitive chemical detector, thanks to its ability to concentrate light.  In the intense light fields at the torch’s top, a normally-weak light-based chemical fingerprinting technique (Raman spectroscopy) becomes millions of times stronger.  More-sensitive Raman fingerprinting can allow us to detect trace contaminants
Wednesday July 16, 2014

Wednesday July 16, 2014

When a nanolaser casts a shadow, the grad student gets 6 more weeks of fabrication. The pillar in the middle is one of the nanolasers our lab makes. It’s supposed to be a single column all by itself, roughly cylindrical with a bit of a funky coke bottle shape,


When a nanolaser casts a shadow, the grad student gets 6 more weeks of fabrication. The pillar in the middle is one of the nanolasers our lab makes.  It’s supposed to be a single column all by itself, roughly cylindrical with a bit of a funky coke bottle shape,
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