AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 838 Posts
Pokemon generated by neural network

Pokemon generated by neural network

toomanyfeelings [] : > iguanamouth [] : > lewisandquark [] : > I’ve been playing around with char-rnn, an open-source torch add-on for character-based neural networks by Andrej Karpathy [
Three bad recipes generated by neural network

Three bad recipes generated by neural network

I’m training a neural network to generate recipes [] based on a database of about 30,000 examples, and although the network has managed to produce identifiable recipes, and even sometimes sort sweet from savory, it hasn’t actually managed to produce any
Pokemon generated by neural network

Pokemon generated by neural network

toomanyfeelings [] : > iguanamouth [] : > lewisandquark [] : > I’ve been playing around with char-rnn, an open-source torch add-on for character-based neural networks by Andrej Karpathy [
Cthulhu in the Kitchen

Cthulhu in the Kitchen

In a previous experiment [], I let a neural network trained on the complete works of H. P. Lovecraft finish phrases from cookbook recipes. Now, I tried it the other way around, in which I gave phrases from Lovecraftian horror to an innocent neural
Pokemon generated by neural network

Pokemon generated by neural network

I’ve been playing around with char-rnn, an open-source torch add-on for character-based neural networks by Andrej Karpathy [] , using it to generate everything from cookbook recipes []

Pokemon generated by neural network

I’ve been playing around with char-rnn, an open-source torch add-on for character-based neural networks by Andrej Karpathy [] , using it to generate everything from cookbook recipes []
Cooking with Cthulhu

Cooking with Cthulhu

Here’s what you get when you give incomplete cookbook recipes to a neural network trained on the complete works of H. P. Lovecraft: > Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 32 minutes. Test corners to see if done, as center will seem like the next horror of Second
The neural network doesn’t understand proper nouns.

The neural network doesn’t understand proper nouns.

As the neural network begins to get better at generating cookbook recipes [] , it continues to have trouble with recipe sources - short and highly varied, they’re a challenge for an algorithm that learns by repetition. Still, it does its best: Source: Carrots
Disturbingly vague ingredients generated by neural network

Disturbingly vague ingredients generated by neural network

This neural network, a learning algorithm trained on 30MB of cookbook recipes [] , generates new recipes based on probabilities. The resulting ingredients, while their words are individually probable, can end up disturbingly vague. “Yeah… I’m pretty sure this recipe’s gonna contain some…
The neural network invents fancy new ingredients

The neural network invents fancy new ingredients

I’m training a neural network to generate recipes [] based on a database of about 30,000 examples, and although it sometimes comes up with ingredients that sound like a bad idea, sometimes it invents some that you could plausibly ask for at
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