AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 840 Posts
Baby one-piece bodysuits with designs of Galaxies on Ice, Dandelion Underwater, and Fart Whale

Baby onesie designs

A reader wrote in a while ago with a suggestion: they were about to have a baby and wondered if I could use AI to come up with some new ideas for baby onesies. I can't find the letter any more, and I don't remember how
Emoji include some kind of baby seal-horse and a sun-lion-eagle griffin.

The emoji of the future

Some of the recent image-generating models have this thing where they can fill in the blank parts of images. It's handy when you want to show them exactly how to give you more of the same. Like these animal emoji. See if you can tell which ones I
ChatGPT confidently losing at tic-tac-toe

Optimum tic-tac-toe

ChatGPT text can sound very knowledgeable until the topic is something you know well. Like tic-tac-toe. Once I heard that ChatGPT can play tic-tac-toe I played several games against it and it confidently lost every single one. Part of the problem seemed to be that it couldn't keep
ChatGPT describes code that draws a pink pony but actually produces a pink pig face

Chatbot, draw!

I'm interested in cases where it's obvious that chatbots are bluffing. For example, when Bard claims its ASCII unicorn art has clearly visible horn and legs but it looks like this: or when ChatGPT claims its ASCII art says "Lies" when it clearly says
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