AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 838 Posts
Physics acronyms: there was an attempt

Physics acronyms: there was an attempt

The other day, Katie E. M. tweeted [] the following: > Astrophysicists are all like, “ah, yes, this important piece of technology? It’s called the Very Very Very Long Extra Big Spectrometer Device. This other one? We call it NINJATURTLE for short, and
Discount Strong Bad emails

Discount Strong Bad emails

Children of the early 2000s internet (hi!) may remember spending hours watching Strong Bad emails [] from []. They are literally short videos of some guy named Strong Bad checking his email and they are hilarious. Anyway, Strong Bad just emailed this
Welcome to Word Vector Space

Welcome to Word Vector Space

On this blog I’ve posted a lot about neural networks and other machine learning algorithms. Unlike other kinds of computer programs, they don’t rely on step by step instructions from a programmer - instead, they’re given a goal, like a score to maximize or a list of


Welcome to Word Vector Space On this blog I’ve posted a lot about neural networks and other machine learning algorithms. Unlike other kinds of computer programs, they don’t rely on step by step instructions from a programmer - instead, they’re given a goal, like a score to
H.M.S. Neural Net

H.M.S. Neural Net

One of my favorite things to do with machine learning algorithms is to get them to name things. Give a neural network (a type of machine learning algorithm) enough examples, and it will do an often decent (sometimes howlingly bad) imitation of their letter combinations and patterns, all without the
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