AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 838 Posts
How to begin a novel

How to begin a novel

Last year for National Novel Writing Month I trained a neural net called torch-rnn [] on 10,096 unique ways to begin a novel. It came up with some intriguing possibilities [] , my personal favorite
I trained a neural net on my own book

I trained a neural net on my own book

I spent the last two years writing a book on AI []. It’s called You Look Like a Thing and I Love You, and today it’s finally out! And since training neural nets on things is a large percentage of my blog, of course
Easy Halloween treats generated by AI

Easy Halloween treats generated by AI

Doing a Halloween party? Need to bring a festive food? Advanced artificial intelligence is here to help. After all, some say that large neural networks like GPT-2 [], which trained on huge collections of text from the internet, have therefore absorbed huge amounts of the
My TED talk on AI

My TED talk on AI

Remember a few months ago when I spoke at the 2019 TED conference in April (and kinda used a classic machine learning reward function hack [] on Simone Giertz’s robot workshop)? Well the video is UP! Watch it [
Things neural networks are saying about my book

Things neural networks are saying about my book

Okay so the above reviews have some subtle clues that they might not have been written by real live humans. In fact, they’re the work of a text-generating neural network that OpenAI trained [] on millions of Amazon reviews. The color of the
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