AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 838 Posts
This time I DIDN'T train a neural net to generate candy hearts

This time I DIDN'T train a neural net to generate candy hearts

I’ve trained neural networks to generate candy hearts [] before, and the process goes something like this: 1. collect as many existing candy heart messages as I can (which was 366) 2. give them to a clueless neural net that tries to imitate them
AI recipes are bad (and a proposal for making them worse)

AI recipes are bad (and a proposal for making them worse)

Pictured above is an abomination in the making, a lesson in why humans should never trust what a neural net says just because it’s based on math. It’s a neural net generated brownie recipe called Chocolate Baked and Serves [] , and its distinguishing
Depth of field fails

Depth of field fails

You might think of AI as a thing that only runs on powerful cloud computing servers, but these days you’ll also find it in your phone. Unlike the AI in science fiction, the AI in your phone is limited to just one task at a time - predicting the


lingthusiasm [] : Lingthusiasm Episode 40: Making machines learn language - Interview with Janelle ShaneIf you feed a computer enough ice cream flavours or pictures annotated with whether they contain giraffes, the hope is that the computer may eventually learn how to do these things for
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