AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 838 Posts
Two chairs with seats of thick knotted pieces of wood and backs like carved pillars.

Generated furniture: cursed, but beautiful

Beetle kill pine is a popular wood in Colorado, salvaged from trees killed by pine bark beetles. While the dead trees stand before harvesting, a fungus colonizes them, giving the wood interesting blue-grey streaks called spalting. It's a really pretty wood. But AI apparently thinks "a chair
Generating images from an internet grab bag

Generating images from an internet grab bag

Still amazed by this: Here's CLIP+VQGAN [] (trained on internet photos and their accompanying text), prompted two different ways: "A car driving down a desert road in monument valley" A car driving down a desert road in monument valley"
The art of asking nicely

The art of asking nicely

There are upsides to working with a neural net that trained on a huge collection of internet images and text. One is that, instead of ominous grey geometric blobs [] when it doesn't understand your prompt (there is a free interactive demo of
New AI short story! The Skeleton Crew

New AI short story! The Skeleton Crew

illustration by Natalie Matthews-Ramo> "There was so much she might not hear, being located so far from her body, relying on cheap headphones. It had never mattered before." I have a new story out in Slate Future Tense! The Skeleton Crew [
AI doesn't understand scale

AI doesn't understand scale

One of my favorite ways to mess around with text-generating AI is to see what it does with new games that didn't exist on the internet back when its training data was collected. OpenAI's GPT-3 models were trained with data that cut off in late 2019
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