AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 838 Posts
A vivid green and red landscape with wobbly jelly-like bushes.

Playing with Pixels

Here's "Ice Cream Planet Swirl", as generated by Pixray. Full prompt: Ice Cream Planet Swirl #8bit #pixelart. Colors are chocolate, minty green, and cream.Pixray uses CLIP, which OpenAI trained on a bunch of internet photos and associated text. CLIP acts as a judge, telling Pixray
A tunnel into a glowing cave filled with mushrooms, in pixel art style.

Bonus: What's down that hole?

This bonus post is now unlocked for everyone! In the main post [] I experimented with Pixray Swirl [] , which I could use to build an image and then sort of
Blue Screen of Death Message: A huge malevolent being of immeasurable strength has just awakened within your computer.

Use AI to improve your error messages

One of the fun things about working with a giant text-generating model with general internet training is that when it finishes responding to one of your prompts, it'll sometimes continue with a prompt of its own. (This can also be one of the NOT fun things, if its
Scented Pouter, Most-Kneed Tiptoeing Pigeon, Rodeo Puff, Half-waved Party Pigeon, Little Gem, Long-headed Clearwing

Neural nest: AI-generated pigeon breeds

I'd been vaguely aware of pigeons until I read my friend Rosemary Mosco's book A Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching []. Now I'm in love. It started with the back cover, where there's a pigeon trying so
I'm dressing as a vampire for Halloween! More impressive:I shall be displaying my vampiric prowesses at a Halloween carnaval

How to improve your Halloween costume

I've amused myself before [] by getting GPT-3 to change one kind of text into another. With just a few style-change examples, I got it to change the Winnie the Pooh theme song []
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